Welcome To/Bienvenidos a
Grant Intermediate School
At Grant Intermediate School it is our goal to develop students who are compassionate, resilient, and lifelong learners. We strive to empower students to be a positive contributor to a global community with the ability to think outside the box and profoundly impact their communities and the world.
En la escuela Intermedia Grant nuestra meta es desarrollar estudiantes que demuestran compasión, de carácter moral resiliente y con amor a aprender y crecer. Nos esforzamos a empoderar los estudiantes a ser contribuyentes positivos en una comunidad global con la habilidad de pensar más allá de lo ocurrente para tener un impacto positivo en sus comunidades y el mundo.
Principal/Directora: Jennifer Santiago
School Hours/Horas Escolares:
Regular Day/Dia Regular: 8:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Reduced Day/Dia Reducido: 8:00 - 12:15 p.m.
District Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS)/Especialista de Anti-Hostigamiento Terrance Stokes, Manager of School Support / ABC (director de Soporte al Estudiante) [email protected] Phone: (609) 656-4900 x 5459
Grant Anti Bullying Specialist/Especialista de Anti-Hostigamiento de Grant - Shannon DeLizio (Guidance Counselor)